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Welcome to our (predominantly slashy) little world!

Want to know the LATEST here at the site? Then be sure to visit our News page!

Not familiar with the term 'slash' (or slashy)? Then you might want to check out: Fandom Definitions.

Navigation is provided via two means here. The rather 'nifty' JavaScript-powered menu (floating on the left-hand side of each page) -- and with text-based links at the bottom of each page.

Regarding our fanfic, we try hard to 'warn' whenever possible, so please note all warnings before you read. (What is acceptable to one reader may not be to another, after all!)

We firmly believe in the "Star Trek" concept of IDIC -- Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. Or, otherwise stated, anything goes.

But we're not out to offend you or any other visitor. If any of these might 'push your buttons' we assume you have the ability to discern from our warnings when and if to read -- and when and if to depart. (Do feel free to do so!)

Any and all comments, questions and suggestions are heartily welcomed by both webmistresses! Feel free to contact us.

Thanks for dropping by. We hope you'll do so now and then...



Mistress Marilyn

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