'In Dreams' banner

Title: "In Dreams"
Author: CharlieMC
Email: camelotslash-1@qwest.net (camelotslash-1 =at= qwest.net)
Date: October 5, 2004
Pairing: Aragorn/Legolas
Summary: 100-word drabble for the Legolas/Aragorn Slash list at Yahoo! groups.
Disclaimer: Aragorn and Legolas belong to Tolkien and the creators of the LOTR movies -- certainly not to me! This probably never happened... (Right?)
Warnings: Slash
Author notes: I see this drabble as prior to any slashiness between the pair, but you can view it as you wish!
Counting: For whatever reason, Word insists on counting an ellipsis (double-hyphen) as a word -- even though it clearly isn't! Trust me, when counted by hand this is exactly 100 words! (grin)


Drabble: "In Dreams" (100 words)

In Dreams I walk deep forests, forging through half-hidden paths to seek you.

I see you there -- green shadow crowned in silken strands of gold; your step seems more of mist than tread. Lit by beams of moonlight your pale face shimmers...

I smell mingled scents of honied pine and secret flowers that bloom in dark places. I would know -- is this the smell of you?
Is that melodious sound which whispers in the tall trees a song of greeting to gladden my lonely ears?

Stop and wait for me, beloved elf; I would taste the sweetness of your lips...

-the end-

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