'By My Side' banner -- coming soon!

Title: "By My Side" 1/1
Authors: CharlieMC (and Czar Nikky)
Author notes: This is a collaborative effort in answer to a frame challenge. The first part was written by Nik and the second (clearly marked) by me. (smile)
Fandom: "LOTR"
E-mail address: camelotslash-1@qwest.net
Status: Complete
Date: October 21, 2004
Archive: Sure, contact me first, please [template must stay with fic]
Category: Slash
Disclaimer: Don't own them and mean no infringement or disrespect. No money made, it's merely for fun. (I'm currently in love with Tolkien's work and have no intention of claiming a single dotted i or crossed t as my own...)
Summary: My answer to the frame challenge shared here by Czar Nikky:
on October 20. Aragorn must seek out Legolas...
Warnings: Slash. Mild references to passionate feelings and interaction.
Beta: Thanks as always to Mistress Marilyn for her wonderful help.

----------Nik's part----------

I find no peace at night, now that I am the high king of all Middle-earth. Too many unfamiliar duties beg my attention; I sit unhappily at council--or a table cluttered with papers--while longing to be riding across a windy plain.

My wife moves calmly through the days, heavy with our child. I leave her to her private chambers, happy to give her time to contemplate and rest while I pace in my own rooms. I love her dearly, but dare not bother her now with my all-too-Manlike needs...

Where dare I find some soft comfort, wrapped in warm arms? Where dare I find some rough tumble to release the passion that makes it hard for me to breathe and drives away my sleep?

There is one who would offer me his bed, I know. Do I dare to turn to him? Do I dare to ask?

----------Charlie's part----------

He stayed by my side all during the long Ring quest -- even when his head warned him that our forces would be overcome.

He's forsaken his own kind in the deep wood and stayed on here in the White City, ever ready at each of my constant calls...

His head does not turn to follow the faces of the fairer sex, though many of these ladies turn their gaze to watch him pass (both of the races of elf and of man). I know that many would warm his bed if ever he beckoned, but daily he stays his hand...

He is mine for the taking; I know it is so. (One cannot be loved as deeply as I am loved and not know the emotion, unspoken or no.)

I know he would yield his body to me as willingly as his heart, if I would but ask...

I can't deny the longing inside me when I see him walk past. Never is he close that his eyes do not search for mine -- and share a secret look.

I will go to him, my princeling elf, and ask him to share this night. Whatever comes of it tomorrow, we owe each other these hours. Let us cling together in passion and deep kisses, for I am drawn to him like a bee to a lovely flower.

Let us cry out to one another of the heat that throbs between us! We have earned a night abed with clashing bodies and groping limbs and lips. There can be no shame in sharing our fire -- nor shame in sharing words of love.

I must admit that elves will ever be the object of my fascination and devotion -- how could I deny it? Where she is pale and dark of hair, he is pale and fair-haired -- yet both are of the race that catches at my heart and loins!

And what of his needs? Does he not long for me, as I so long for him?

I cannot slow my steps as I rush through the halls to seek him. Nor will I try to slow these arms that hunger to pull him close!

-the end-

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