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Title: "The Dance of Ten Lords" 1/1
Author: CharlieMC camelotslash-1 at qwest.net
Fandom: Alexander the Great
Date: November 27-28, 2004
Archive: Sure, contact me first, please [template must stay with fic]
Archived at: CamelotSlash.com -- http://www.camelotslash.com
Category: slash
Pairing: Bagoas/Alexander (Francisco Bosch and Colin Farrell)
Disclaimer: Don't own them and mean no infringement or disrespect. Bagoas and Alexander belong to the ages and not to me! No money made, it's merely for fun.
Summary: Written for the '12 Days of Christmas' Project being celebrated at the wonderful thegodsthemselves list: The Gods Themselves
My 'assignment': Ten Lords A Leaping -- 'The author gets to pick their pairing, rating, RP vs. FP, etc. Somewhere in the fic the author must incorporate what the traditional gift of that day would have been ACCORDING TO THE SONG.'
Warnings: Slash.
Beta: Many thanks to Kit Alexander (also known as KitRocks) for his wonderful help. (This is the first time I've used him as a beta!)
Dedication: To both thebanwoman (Cheryl) and tevilbitch2002 (Joann), the marvelous 'list mommies' at thegodsthemselves. Thanks for the lovely concept! It was inspiring...
Author NOTES: (Sorry these are so necessarily lengthy!) For those who might not know it (which I suspect is most of us), the Mithras religion is over 3,500 years old (by conservative estimates). It has many *striking* similarities to Christianity: The birth of Mithra and of Christ were celebrated on the same day; tradition placed the birth of both in a cave; both regarded Sunday as sacred; in both the central figure was a mediator (mesim) who was one of a triad or trinity; both were born of virgin mothers -- I could go on and on here!
In the early centuries of the Christian era Mithraism was the most nearly UNIVERSAL religion in the Western world. Mithraism never managed to penetrate Greece -- likely due to the Greeks' aversion to all things Persian following the Persian Wars; however, subsequent to the campaign of Alexander the Great, Mithra became the 'favorite deity' of Asia Minor!
Interestingly, in the movie "Alexander" we see a BULL being sacrificed prior to the battle at Gaugamela -- bull sacrifice has always been a part of the Mithraic rites! The sacrifice was also seen as a baptism and in the ritual sense the blood of the bull would be 'upon those present and their children' -- in effect providing expiation and fertility among the worshipers. (So though I've heard some people who were annoyed that Alexander is sprayed with bull blood during the sacrifice, he probably would have seen it as a wonderful omen!)
The Calendar: Actually, there was no one 'perfect' calendar that mirrored our modern-day version -- which is probably the reason it's so difficult to determine exact dates for the various events of Alexander's life. So though I've taken the liberty of having Bagoas refer to 'December' (etc.), that wouldn't be authentic to the time period (sorry). Author's license...
Research: Re-checking my (previously carefully researched) Alexander time-line (of course) -- plus several hours learning the details of Mithraism, which was fascinating. (I love research!)


In early December, my Lord Alexander occupied Susa without opposition. The previous spring he had visited the Oracle of Ammon at Siwah and been told some Great Truth. Do not believe what you hear of this, my friends! For both I and his beloved General, Hephaistion, share the bed of the King -- and he has not seen fit to tell us what was said; therefore I believe he was warned against sharing the Enlightenment he received, whatever it may have been.

Was he told -- as many say -- that he is the son of some great god? I must admit that I do not doubt this is so. Yet, again, I caution you against guessing, for Alexander will not confirm any of the rumors...

My Lord had a busy year. In early April he founded the Egyptian Alexandria -- and from what he has said I think it will only be the first among many Alexandrias built, though perhaps one of the finest. By fall he had crossed the Tigris river and rejected the final peace offering of my former lord, King of Kings Darius.

The great and terrible Battle of Gaugamela happened at the end of September. After, I saw no more of he who had been my master and lover -- he who had turned to run from Alexander.

By mid-October, Alexander and his troops had advanced on Babylon. The city was quick to throw open her gates to welcome him! (Many Persians called Babylon a 'great whore' to welcome him so rapidly, but misrule had been rampant in the land and many did see Alexander as one who liberated -- rather than conquered -- them.)

Not long after, I encountered King Alexander and Lord Hephaistion inside the seraglio of the Citadel -- and you may believe when I say on my part it was truly love at first sight!

Soon I was formally presented to the King and have gladly been at his side ever since. (Indeed, it has not been difficult to be immediately devoted to a man as magnificent as my young and beautiful High King.)

A short while after I had joined his household and my Lord had settled himself in Babylon, he was forced to take his army out to deal with the revolt of Agis, whom he defeated at Megalopis.

Then, as I mentioned before, he entered and took the beautiful city of Susa.

As this long year nears an end, I am delighted to have returned to Babylon, however briefly. (With Alexander one never knows how long a stay one will have!) I will plan the celebration of late December with great care, making sure that it is as special as possible in honor of my dear Lord...

As a boy I was raised in the belief of Mithra (sometimes called Mihr), the great sun god. Mithra the benevolent is the bestower of health, wealth and food -- and had given the great gift of fire to mankind! To worship him is said to free one from both sin and disease. Mithra created the world and is sovereign over all; he is a King of Kings among the many gods.

I admit that in the trials of my life that led to my castration and enslavement, I put aside my love and worship of this god. What good are gods to those who have little or no hope?

But now that I have the freedom to choose -- and serve my Lord of my free will (and delight) -- I have begun to turn back to the practices of my youth. Each morning I pray that Mithra might watch over the King, who is surely one of his special charges on this earth. While I was never an initiate of the god, I believe he listens to my voice, even so.

Here in Babylon Mithra is identified with Shamash, the sun god. (We Persians -- like many other peoples, I suppose -- are good ones for hedging our bets. Why cling to one god when there are so many to pick from? Why risk angering any god -- even those of another country -- when it is just as easy to show favor to all?)

It is said that Mithra was born in late December, so a special festival is celebrated on that day in his honor. There is much feasting and merry-making, dancing and music. Tellers of tales are given great gifts of gold as they share the stories of old.

It was little effort to help take charge of the preparations, though I hold no official office in the palace Household. Those Persians who have seen me with the King need no urging to listen when I speak -- nor do the Macedonians seem inclined to ignore my possible power as a favorite of my Lord. Thus I have spent long hours in decoration and planning the foods to be served...

When word spread of the special party I would hold on festival day, many approached me with gifts, hoping to gain my favor -- and an invitation to attend. I accept nothing when I feel it is not proper, but I turn away nothing that might gain an enemy for me (and, through me, the King). It is, indeed, a balancing act -- but I have been among the Royal Household long enough to have some knowledge of these politics! Still, I use caution with this occasion, though I suspect the King will have something to say as to which of his Macedonians should be present.

I wish there were a way for me to say 'no' when he insists on yet another invitation for one of these, but it is impossible to forestall him -- or to resist the twinkle of his brown eyes!

Do take note, however, that I will be certain to control the wine, seeing that it is well cut with water. I want no drunken Macedonians to spoil my efforts!

Most importantly, I will personally lead a dance in honor of our new king! This will be my own special gift for my new Lord Alexander.

So I have spent many hours each day in the training and conditioning of my body, and in setting the steps and teaching this choreography to the others who will perform with me.

We will begin by carrying a long garland of large laurel leaves, painted gold and strung on ribbons, which we shall lay out as a giant diadem on the floor. Then we will dance inside this wide circlet; I am told such a leafy gold-encrusted ring is what they use for the crowning of kings in both Macedon and Greece.

In the center will be a pedestal supporting a wooden box that has been carefully carved to look like the city of Babylon, covered in a sheet of gold and dressed with precious gems. At the end of the dance I will go and open this box and take out the new mitre I have had made to lay it at the feet of the King. Alexander resists wearing a mitre, but he will gain great face among the Persian nobility if he will do so for even an instant during the festival -- and I would gladly do anything in my power to help him be more accepted by my people...

There are nine other dancers who are straining to learn what I have envisioned for us. I have dreamed a dream of how I wish for us to dance! Everything must be perfection.

I continue to study Greek and Macedonian, that I might both understand the native languages of the King and his people and be better able to converse with my Lord. He has indicated he would like me to learn to read, something which is a great joy to me! I am honored that the King would give thought to a thing as small as this when he has so many other matters to concern him.

Thus my days are very full -- and I am greatly fatigued when it is time to retire. My Lord Alexander has been understanding, knowing all that I have been managing -- including my daily practice for the dance. But it is, I think, a hardship for him to forego pleasures these many nights in a row!

I could wish that he might seek the arms of his friend Hephaistion, as they are clearly lovers of long standing. If only it were seemly to ask one of them why they do not do so! I am certain there is something here I do not comprehend, but there are none I can turn to for explanation. It seems these Macedonians have no men or women of status and wisdom who are deemed proper to speak with about such important matters! How would one such as I have ever learned the details of the Royal Bedchamber had I not been instructed and advised? It is a dilemma that I hope time might resolve...

The days are moving swiftly by and my dancers and I grow frantic as the performance looms ever closer! Somehow we can not seem to find the balance that we seek. We are too grounded in our movements; we do not manage to convey the brightness of the sun god!

I sat silently today for more than an hour, feeling tears trickle down my cheeks. I must find an additional element that will make this dance truly worthy of my Lord and King!

I went to the bathhouse when told the King was there, walking across the lovely mosaic of the floor to peer from a distance into the pool where Alexander happily splashed in the warm, sun-dappled water. The golden glow of his naked body was not even slightly obscured, though he was standing neck deep. I felt my usual embarrassment at finding him unclothed in a room where others strolled freely, but I managed to suppress my blush as I stood watching him. Then he began to swim lazily through the water, gliding above the lapis tiles of the pool where golden fish were swimming to and fro. His wet hair streamed down his muscular shoulders and back and stuck out in wild angles on his head. He was a beautiful thing to behold!

At that moment I wanted to lie with him so badly I felt actual pain pierce my chest! But I thrust aside my desire so I might concentrate on observing him; I was hopeful that the sight of him would give me some inspiration. I was far enough away and partly shielded by giant pots containing large palm trees, so he did not notice me.

Suddenly I saw the King's body explode from the water and shoot briefly into the air above the pool, his head lifted toward the painted ceiling high above him. He seemed to hang there like a human lightning bolt before shifting his body to plunge headfirst down under the spray of his previous ascent.

"Ah!" I cried out, before I could stop myself. Several curious heads turned to stare at me as I hurried away. I was beaming as I ran to find the other dancers, ready to add the missing element I'd been seeking...


The bazaars of the city were busy in those last days before the festival, selling new garments and jewelry, items to be given as gifts, and foodstuffs for the feasting. Many noblemen had planned parties of their own to be held in various locations throughout the city. The King had decided to declare the day a public holiday, giving almost his entire army a respite from their usual duties. All the people of Babylon -- from the most high to the most lowly -- were ready to spend the coming day in offering sacrifices and thanks to the god, before turning to relaxation and merriment. Prayers would be lifted up by the Magi and the people to exhort Mithra for the forgiveness of transgression and for blessings in the advent of the new year.

The morning dawned clear after the gray clouds of the previous day; this was a sign of beneficent approval from Mithra -- a happy omen from he who was the sun god! I rose quickly and groomed and dressed with little ceremony, anxious to see to the final details before the celebration began in earnest.

Normally only initiates could be present for the sacrifice of the sacred bull, but I had been told the Magi had decided that including this great king and his people might lead to new converts to the religion. It was my first time standing close while the secret prayers were whispered among the Magi and those initiates present. Then public prayers were spoken -- and translated into Greek -- so that all gathered might understand the meaning. (Naturally women were not permitted to attend, as the direct worship of Mithras was a thing reserved only for men.)

Finally the magnificent bull was brought forth and blessed. Alexander himself stepped close to participate in the rite; his purple robes were dotted with blood when the sacrificial knife slashed the throat of the animal. Though the cloth of his garment was truly worth more than its weight in gold, I did not bemoan this soiling; it was a good omen to be touched by this baptismal blood. Later I found that I, too, had been spattered with some small quantity and I thrilled to think of the god smiling on me and my upcoming dance.

When the religious rites were ended, the bull was taken away to be cut up for roasting. This roast would be one of the many featured meats set down on the grand table in the festival hall.

Most of Alexander's army seemed happy enough to partake of both the wine and meats shared with them -- and those who by necessity had remained on duty would be allowed some treats to make their service on that day a pleasant one.

Still, I could see that many of the King's friends were dismissive -- and even rude -- regarding the god Mithra, the Magi, the Mithraic initiates and the sacred rites they'd been privileged to attend. I shoved aside my annoyance and dismay for another time; I was determined that none should spoil my high spirits on this special day!

There were many entertainers who came and went, telling tales, singing songs, displaying trained animals and all matter of amazing delights. Veiled women watched from the high balconies, sharing in the foods and wine and sending written messages with eunuchs to the men below. This would never have been permitted when Darius ruled, but as the King did not yet understand our ways I found no fault, allowing that little harm could come of these dalliances that did not take place face to face.

The noise rose louder and louder as the hours passed. Gifts were being exchanged between those close to one another and a pile of presents tottered precariously near Alexander's throne.

Finally I rushed out to change into my costume, add to my makeup and join my fellow dancers. The other entertainers were smoothly guided out of the hall and the attendees were directed to be seated on cushions or the low couches as the musicians began our accompaniment.

We entered the floor to the polite sound of hands being briefly clapped together. Those gathered had moved to lie or sit, and they grew quiet as we glided to the center of the room. I briefly announced the dedication of the dance to the King, speaking only my native tongue. If no one close by Alexander translated for him now, I would tell him later what I had said. Then I quickly rejoined the other nine dancers.

We each held tight to one of the laurel leaves as we moved here and there, letting the pale gold of the ribbons trail out across the floor as we encircled the pedestal holding the golden box. We ran together toward this miniature Babylon, then reversed and dashed outward. Finally we carefully placed the garland in the diadem shape, with the pedestal at the very center.

All the while we were first contorting and then delicately posing our bodies in the complicated patterns of my dance, mirroring the steps of which I had dreamed.

Finally the music crescendoed and we joined hands, forming a line. Then we sprang up in unison, our legs soaring as we almost seemed to fly above the dance floor. We let loose our grip and each of us in turn jumped high, almost willing our bodies to hang in the air. Nearing exhaustion, each dancer finally ended by lying stretched out inside the circlet, his head buried beneath the crook of an arm.

My turn came and I lunged upward, feeling all eyes upon me. It was as if I could, indeed, hover above the audience!

When I again dropped to the floor, I ran delicately forward and threw open the box, displaying the contents. I gently lifted the mitre and dashed before the throne, ending on my knees. Both of my hands held the mitre extended toward the King while I bent my head to bow to him. I glanced up through my lashes, anxious to see what transpired.

Alexander did not disappoint; the King rose with grace from his throne and moved down from the plush stool and the steps of the dais to where I knelt. He removed the crown and Ptolemy rushed to take it from him, his head also bowed. Then Alexander carefully lifted the mitre high and showed it so that all in the room might see. He held it briefly above his golden locks and then seated it on his head, allowing Hephaistion to fix it in place before he turned toward those assembled.

I was so very proud -- both of myself and my new King! The silence was suddenly broken by cheers and shouts -- even by unseemly stamping of feet and whistling!

I heard my own name being cried out and then I felt the King's hand grasping mine and lifting me to my feet. He embraced me before turning to resume the throne.

I -- and my dancers -- then quickly departed in a graceful dash from the room. In the adjoining area we all beamed and congratulated one another on the amazing performance. It had turned out better than any of our myriad of practices. We then quickly wiped away the sweat from our bodies and once again dressed in the fine clothing purchased for wearing to the festival; we moved as one back into the room which was again teeming with people and noise. The celebration was a grand success!

It was Lord Hephaistion who came to me smiling to say the King wished for me to join him. I returned his smile and followed on his heel, jostled several times as we moved among the happy crowd.

"What do you call this dance?" Alexander asked me when I reached his side. He had stepped down from the dais to the floor where he was immediately surrounded by those present. I saw that his head was now bare; both the mitre and laurel crown were resting on the seat of his abandoned throne.

"I call it 'the Dance of Ten Lords,' Great One," I replied in slow and careful Greek. Several Persian nobles had come over to where the King now stood and were within easy hearing distance. I watched out of the corner of my eye as our dialogue was translated for them. "It is my gift to you on this special day."

"I would call it 'Ten Lords A Leaping,'" Hephaistion remarked, as he gestured with his hands. "I have never seen anything to equal it!"

I dropped my head in pleased embarrassment, unable to staunch my quick blush. Several men stood nodding in agreement, many of them smiling at me. (Some of these smiles held invitations that I had seen before in my life and already I began to think how best to discourage the attention.)

"Yes," Alexander said, moving to place a tight hand on my shoulder. "I will always remember this 'Ten Lords A Leaping' dance that was dedicated to me." His brilliant smile made me shiver and brought tears of joy to my eyes.

Then the moment passed and the party continued. I moved here and there, helping, when I was able, to translate for those Persians and Macedonians who were attempting conversation.

This went on into the hours past midnight. Guests were began to yawn behind their hands.

I drew my Lord Alexander aside. "If you would stand and speak your own blessings on those gathered, I believe you could then bid farewell and retire for the night."

The King's eyes were bright -- there was no sign that he tired.

"But it's yet early," he complained, frowning. "Why end now?"

"There is another gift that awaits you inside your Bedchamber," I said demurely, again dropping my head. I allowed a small smile to play on my lips as I glanced up through my lashes into his face.

King Alexander flushed as he realized my meaning. Then he nodded and briskly moved back to the dais.

After he'd issued his own benediction and farewells he turned and walked from the room, Hephaistion and his closest followers trailing behind him. I moved to retrieve both crowns, placing them with care into the box that I latched shut and had carried away, under guard. I instructed a trusted eunuch to see to the King's pile of gifts.

Then I, too, moved in the direction of the King's Bedchamber. I would enter and serve his needs as always, hopeful his friends would depart quickly.

The King had slipped out of his robe before my arrival and he was lying barechested, sprawled in a chair, wearing only his trousers. Hephaistion stood behind, leaning over to speak to him. His other friends were scattered around the room happily and loudly conversing as I moved to retrieve the discarded garment, smoothing it with my hands.

"Let be, Bagoas!" The King said. "The time for work will return with the light of morning."

I smiled over at him as I carefully stored away his robe, trying to decide if the few spots of blood had spoiled it beyond further wear. I moved here and there quietly tidying the room and making myself as 'invisible' as I could...

Hephaistion was the one who caught Alexander yawning and finally shooed everyone away. Then he leaned down and gave the King a kiss before he, too, departed.

We were alone at last!

"I'm waiting for this other gift you promised," the King prompted me, clearly not as tired as his forced yawn might have suggested.

I glided as smoothly as possible to his side and sat lightly in his lap. This immediately aroused him and he wrapped strong arms around me, hugging me close. Soon we moved to the bed and were naked beneath the covers. I pressed myself to him, warmed both by the heat of his body and my love for him.

This second dance was no less impressive than the first, though it had no set pattern. We guided one another through a myriad of movements far past the break of day...

"I love you, my dear Lord," I whispered in his ear. We both lay quite exhausted, smiling into one another's faces.

"And I, you," he replied, sighing with satisfaction. "When will you again perform the dance of 'Ten Lords A Leaping'?"

I suppressed my ready correction, realizing this new title would forever after christen my gift. It did not matter what he called my present, as long as he cherished it so!

"Whenever you wish, King of Kings," I replied. "Though I think, perhaps, you enjoyed the second dance even more."

=the end=

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